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Policy Development


Our specialist team of consultants can audit your inclusion policies, practices and procedures to ensure that you are compliant with current legislation. Our aim is to develop true inclusion for all of our clients, their staff and their customers, regardless of the scale of their business or their levels of staffing. Areas such as flexible working, gender bias, Equality, disability bias and all of the current inclusion requirements that you have, regardless of the law, as it makes excellent business sense.


We often fear that which we do not know; do not completely understand or are too busy to delve into fully.  Let our top consultants look at and assist you in developing all of the policies that you should need.  We can help you with interviewing staff, ensuring that your vacancies are promoted equally, that all possible sections of the community have the opportunity to apply, you never know, you may be missing not only the next employee, but the next person who can help in developing your business.  There is a massive amount of potential out there, let’s make sure that you are reaching them as potential staff or, as potential customers.

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